I want to share the impact you had on the Jewish people during this Supernatural Season!
You Helped Build Shelters!
Despite the plans of the enemy, your partnership helped build urgently needed bomb shelters before the recent attacks on Israel!
Because of your help, we have built 78 bomb shelters that Israelis are using—each one includes a sign that reads “Donated with love for the people of Israel by METV.”
We have another 15 shelters already commissioned, but the people of Israel are in need of hundreds of shelters.
You’re Making an Eternal Impact!
Not only have you saved physical Jewish lives, but you are impacting eternity for Jews—and Muslims—across North America!
Through Project 77, we have now been able to send out over two and a half million evangelistic books—including They Thought for Themselves and my testimony book for millennials, There Must be Something More.
One part of our ministry we rarely discuss is our Muslim book outreach, which as of this year has now sent out over 1.6 million copies!
The Crown Jewel of Our Ministry
Speaking of television, the crown jewel of our ministry Middle East Television—or METV—now has the potential to reach half a billion people across the Middle East!
We are reaching the Middle East with supernatural broadcasting that is sharing God’s Glory in action and bringing the truth of Yeshua directly to their homes!
Our exclusive partnerships with the NFL and MLB make METV must watch television for major events such as the Super Bowl—where I get to preempt the half-time show and share the Gospel!
ISN and It's Supernatural!
Equipped with a state-of-the-art video wall studio, It's Supernatural! and the It's Supernatural! Network (ISN) have never looked better!
As one of only a handful of organizations in North America with this technology, we are able to film powerful programs for ISN and METV much easier!
Our ISN programming is unlike any other on television, with some of the best teachers and leaders in the supernatural sharing the truth of what God can do in your life. We even have our very own comedy show—Making Light of It—and Supernatural Sid episode 1 is available to own—and episode 2 is around the corner!
As always, our programs are made with the Mystery Law of Evangelism in mind—to the Jew first! The more we can show them the miraculous of God, the more likely they will receive Yeshua.
I take none of the credit—only God could have done anything like this!
He is using your prayers, gifts and support to help our ministry reach the Jewish people like never before.
Partner with me to continue impacting the Jewish people. The best is yet to come!
Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! and Messianic Vision Canada
P. O. Box 345 Barrie, Ontario, L4M 4T5 · (877) 370-4446
info (at) sidroth.ca
Messianic Vision Canada is a registered charity with Canada Revenue Agency BN# 861338135 RR001.
We are an Accredited Member of the Canadian Centre for Christian Charities and adhere to member guidelines as specified.
Messianic Vision Canada is audited annually by an Independent Corporate Accounting Firm.
Gifts are tax deductible as permitted by Canadian law.
© 2023

Reaching the World for Yeshua
Across social media platforms—including Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter—we are able to reach millions each week with daily content—including episodes of It’s Supernatural!, inspirational messages, exclusive interviews, and so much more!
Your gifts and prayers have made it possible to quickly record and release crucial words from the Lord and prophetic warnings that can be shared faster than broadcast television ever could!