Sid’s Story…
I am an Israeli American Jew. I was raised in a traditional Jewish home but like most proud American Jews, I found synagogue and organized religion irrelevant and boring. Honestly, my God was money and my goal was millions. By 29, I had a wife and child, and was a top executive for Merrill Lynch. I had a wonderful life but felt I’d failed because I wasn’t a millionaire. So, I did something I am not proud of. I left my family and career to search for happiness. This search led me to Eastern meditation and the New Age. I almost lost my mind and life became unbearable.
A Christian businessman challenged my occult beliefs and shared that Jesus was the Jewish Messiah, a fact my orthodox religion had withheld. I started to read the Jewish Scriptures myself and I was stunned. Once I was convinced, he might be right, a New Age spirit began tormenting my mind. The power of this spirit on me was strong and evil. That night I fell asleep full of fear. I wanted to die. In desperation, I cried out, “Jesus, help!” If Jesus was real, he was my only hope.
When I awoke, the evil spirit was gone! Even my fear was gone! I experienced a tangible peace and love like I’d never felt before. And I knew that Jesus was real. Jesus saved me, restored my mind, AND He restored me to my wonderful wife Joy and precious daughter Leigh. My entire immediate family members also came to know Jesus. Since that day in 1972, I have devoted my life to telling Jewish people everywhere that Jesus is our Messiah! -Sid Roth
A Ministry is birthed…
In 1977, Sid started a ministry called “Messianic Vision” and a nationally syndicated radio broadcast by the same name. But Messianic Vision is more than a ministry or a program; it is a desire to reach out with the good news of the Messiah, “to the Jew first” (Romans 1:16). This is not just God’s historical order for spreading the gospel, but also His eternal spiritual order. When we follow this “law of evangelism,” God opens a supernatural door to reach Gentiles as well. God’s heart is to reach all people. His strategy is “to the Jew first.”
In 1996, a generous Canadian donated $25,000 through Crossroads TV for Sid’s television ministry. Sid launched the “It’s Supernatural!” television program featuring guests who have experienced extraordinary healings, miracles and personal encounters with God. In 2001, Sid expanded the ministry into Canada and Messianic Vision Canada began operations. In February 2017, Sid celebrated 40 years of ministry.
“I watch your show constantly and I love it!”-MT, Manitoba
“Sid, thank you for sharing all these people and their stories and gifts. This has changed my life. Thank you and God Bless you too much!”-TJ, British Colombia
“I love It’s Supernatural and have a grateful heart for you. Your show is so uplifting. Thank you, thank you!”-Anonymous
“Thank you for the exceptional guests on your show. Of all the christian television I’ve watched, your show has been the best”. -DS, Alberta